Move for Movember – Week 4.

Switchstance ‘Mogress’ So Far.

The final week of Movember is here! 

We’re so happy to say we’ve raised £305 towards our target of £300 and covered 580.6KM of our 300KM goal as a team!

Yesterday we did a lovely, but very slippery and cold, team walk around the beautiful Rivelin Valley. We were joined by a special (and by far the cutest) member of the team… Nora!

A minute with Nora…

How long have you worked for Switchstance?

Nearly a year, I started young at 2 months old.

What is your role?

Chewing everything, sleeping on peoples feet and barking really loudly to warn of dangers such as the postman and window cleaners. It’s pretty exhausting.

How are you finding the Movember challenge so far?

It’s great, anything that gets me more walks gets my vote. I enjoyed yesterday’s team walk the most, especially Emily’s face when she had to walk through lots of mud. That was funny.

Why do you think Move for Movember is an important cause?

Girls seem to talk a lot more than boys, especially about how they’re feeling. So this seems like a good charity raising money to get men to talk more. Especially if it saves their lives.

Tell us a random fact about yourself

I’m a Portuguese Water Dog who doesn’t like water. How silly is that.

Thanks Nora!

That’s almost a wrap on our Movember challenge, but there’s still a couple of days left to visit our page and make a donation to the very important cause. All support is so greatly appreciated. 

Together, we can create a greater impact.

Mental health matters.

Men’s health matters.