Mobile app

Archaeological Research Services.

“A professional organisation who have consistently gone the extra mile.  Overall an excellent partner who have enabled us to realise our ambitions of creating an electronic field recording system.”

Mark Potter, Operations Manager

The Problem.

Archaeological Research Services had started development on an internal application designed to move from paper-based Archaeology reporting to a mobile-based system. However, after years of internal development they faced errors that they could not overcome. This included releasing the mobile app onto devices, communication between devices, and ensuring devices were communicating with the backend server. 

The Outcome.

A specialised and unique application designed specifically to meet the client’s needs. The application enables archaeologists to work in rural areas with no signal, and all weather conditions. 

One critical requirement was the ability for multiple people and devices to work on large projects simultaneously. The client’s reporting needs meant that each artefact needed a unique identifier, which were reported in chronological  order and could not be duplicated, which we managed through implementation of a specialised conflict resolution system. 

Once projects are complete, users can sync their devices with the backend, and generate ARS branded reports showcasing  all of the information discovered in the field. 

The application has generated environmental benefits due to the move from paper-based systems, as well as time-saving, data accuracy, and process improvement through efficiency of reporting.

The Process.

Our initial review of the application led to a quick turnaround in getting the application ready to be tested in the field. Once testing was complete there was plenty more work to be done.

 We immediately got to work debugging the app to ensure it was user-friendly, fit for purpose and in a stable position for further development. 

Once the basic issues were resolved, we conducted a Discovery session to further understand the application and business needs. This identified a clear need for multiple devices to be used simultaneously in the field on a singular project. 

The lack of service in rural areas and a need for reported items to have unique numbers meant we had to ensure there would be no duplications. By putting in place a unique identifying numbering system to overcome this issue we ensured ARS could generate professional archaeology reports.

Mobile app

A professional organisation who have consistantly gone the extra mile.  Overall an excellent partner who have enabled us to realise our ambitions of creating an electronic field recording system.

Mark Potter, Archaeological Research Services

Have a project in mind?

Give us a call or email us now to discuss your new project and how we can help.